New prompt

The prompt for this week is part of a sentence. Please remember you must use it in your writing as it is. You can add 100 words to it. The prompt is:

….pushing through the earth….

The link will close on Saturday 1st March so wright quickly!

New prompt

The prompt this week is:

… but all we could see was water…

Please make sure you use the prompt as it is written. This means you have 107 words to use.

This link closes on the 8th of February so you need to write quickly!

Alice’s 100 Word Challenge

Swaying in the wind my wooden swing started to squeak. Apparently a massive storm was heading our way. Luckily my family had prepared for the storm and had bought lots of food if it destroyed the road to the market. I was very happy because my friend Natasha was staying the night. At 10:00 it was time for bed and because we were so tired we went straight to sleep.
We woke by a nasty spray of salt water right onto our faces. We were all lost. We began to search for my mum and dad, but all we could see was water…